Avoiding the Top Five Sports Injuries by Knowing What They Are

Pushing oneself beyond your limits is often the only way to achieve our athletic goals. After all, muscles have to be broken down to be built back up bigger and stronger. What happens when the pressure we apply to ourselves is so great that a portion of our body gives way under the stress and strain. This is called injury and we are here to go over the five most common types suffered by athletes world wide.

Dislocations occur when a bone pops out of its joint and does not find its way home. Upper body regions like fingers, wrist, and shoulders suffer from this the most. Even when put back in place, surrounding tissue damage will be present.

Fractures are the breaks in the bone from abnormal stress. It can occur from one sudden impact or from an acclimation of stress over time. Running and jogging are the most common way you or I could experience the stress fracture in our lives. Athletes participating in high contact sports like football or rugby run a greater risk of any bone giving way due to impact.

Not knowing how to run properly gives birth to shin splints. That pain that travels up the leg when that next step is planted in running causes the shin to throb. It requires not only rest but an adjustment in mechanics otherwise the malady will never go away.

The dreaded CL injuries are making surgeons wealthy. Cruciate and collateral are the names of the ligaments that often fail in the knee. Think of a rubber band from the desk drawer that is suddenly demanded to stretch beyond its limit in holding something. After the task is completed, there is either slop in it or the ligament can even tear. Prolonged period of recovery after surgery keeps one on the shelf for possibly months.

Muscle strains are the aches that come out of the blue. After a hot shower or a good nights sleep, the affected region relaxes and then sends notice to the body that something is wrong. A myriad of creams and ointments have been created for the morning after a good workout.

An enlightened athlete decreases the risk of time being put on the sidelines by having the knowledge of what can go wrong. With these five most common sports injuries, adjustments can be made before, during, and after our athletic endeavors. The desire is to exceed our goals, stay in shape, and make it home to our loved ones intact.