5 Creative Ways to Overhaul your Upholstery

As anyone who has ever owned an apartment or home well knows, almost nothing beats the feeling of a really good piece of furniture. These comfortable items can provide years of comfort, rest, and style.

That being said, time and tide affects everything, and furniture is no exception. Upholstered furniture in particular can betray signs of the passage of time more easily than other types of furniture. Not only that, but upholstered pieces are often much more expensive than other varieties.

Because of this, many people have wasted needless money on new furniture, or else have resigned themselves to living with the now broken down vestiges of formerly regal pieces. But, as it turns out this is not necessary. This is because with a little imagination, many of these pieces can be restored to practically new condition.

This article will take a closer look at this subject, and will seek to educate readers in the process. It will do so by sharing creative ways to overhaul your upholstery.


This may seem somewhat counter-intuitive, but in order to block dust from settling deep into the folds of your upholstery, vacuuming must be performed regularly. This is not only one of the easiest cleaning methods that can be performed you, but by doing this before proceeding with any other kind of cleaning, the overall effort can be much improved.


Upholstered pieces tend to be comfort zones in which people do things such as eat and drink. Because of this, spills are an inevitable part of the puzzle, but this does not mean that they should be allowed to win.

The first thing to remember is to get rid of as much of the spill as soon as possible, especially when dealing with brightly colored liquids and brightly colored furniture. When cleaning the spill, individuals should be sure to avoid panicking and scrubbing at the stain, which in many will only cause it to spread further and deeper. Rather, the stain should be carefully blotted with a clean cloth until it is removed. Once the majority of the spill has been cleaned, solution can be applied to touch up any problem areas.


There are many different kinds of upholsteries, and there are also many different kinds of cleaning solutions. Key to keeping upholstered furniture in the best possible shape will be to match the proper cleaning solution with the type of upholstery being worked with.

In order to make this work, individuals should carefully determine what kind of material their upholstery is made from. Some common ones include cotton, wool, silk, and linen. Also look out for cleaning codes that carry important information. For example, x stands for upholstery that should be professionally cleaned, while s indicates dry cleaning should be performed. Ws means that dry and wet cleaning is allowed.


When individuals are deciding what kind of cleaner to use, they’ll want to keep in mind that there are many recipes for homemade cleaners that do a great job of maintaining the health of furniture. As This Old House reports, even vodka can do a great job under the right circumstances! It is important to note that before any specific cleaner is used, a small amount should be tested on a hidden part of the furniture piece to ensure that it works as advertised.


Some people may be tempted to go out and purchase the latest and most expensive upholstery filling, but this is probably unnecessary in today’s world. As CNN reports, effective and comfortable fillings can be had for less than $100 in most situations. Thus, individuals should think carefully before springing for the $600 option that may be no more satisfactory.

Old and possibly fading upholstery is a fact of life for many people. That said, those that apply the above mentioned tips will be saving themselves a lot of money, as well as breathing new life into their old furniture.